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Where & How to Get Help

Finding help is hard, but it's there if you look really close. But if you never thought about getting help, then you're going to struggle a lot more. If you don't want the help, then that's okay also. However, in case you don't know what to do to get help, this should hopefully lighten things up.

Personally, I know a lot of apps that can help with studying, and apps where you can meet people and practice the language with them! Here are a list of places that can help you find people or resources (note that there are many others):​

  • HelloTalk

  • Rosetta Stone*

  • Beelinguapp*

  • Memrise*

  • Duolingo

  • Lingodeer


  • Google!

  • restaurants (depending on the language;

for ex: Japanese restaurant if you're learning Japanese)


*May contain purchasing


The best way to find help is just use Google to help you find literally any place to help you learn and study your language! But you also have to be careful, because of course, there can be fallacious websites! But really, Google can help you if all things fail. Another thing that needs to happen is to have an open mind. What exactly does having an open mind mean?  It just means you need to be aware of all your strengths and weaknesses, and find ways to make yourself better at studying, so you can become successful in the future and finish your reason why you wanted to learn a language in the first place 

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