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Learning Languages for Life

"With languages, you are at home anywhere."

ーEdmund de Waal


Visions for the Future

Communicate Effectively
Boost Creativity
Meet New People
Improve First Language
Build Self-Confidence
Improve Memory

Our Problems

There are many setbacks when it comes to learning a language or improving the first language spoken as a young child. When it comes to finding the right material, the right people, the money, motivation, time to practice, it's pretty hard to do all of this. It's understandable. However, there are also ways to overcome these obstacles and people who can help, believe it or not. We do exist.


Identifying is the first step to overcoming our problems of  learning and improving. We can take advantage of these problems and fix them, making us strengthen the weaknesses and continue on with our studies.


About the Founder

Rose Kim loves many things and has many hobbies. Her main hobbies are: playing piano, listening to music,learning about other cultures and learning languages.


She is currently learning 4 languages: Korean, Thai, Japanese and Spanish. However, the language she mainly focuses on is Korean, one day having a dream of becoming an English teacher in South Korea and immersing herself in the Korean culture and traveling around the world.


She lives in America and is only but a sophomore in high school, doing her best to succeed and achieve her dreams.

Rose Kim

She loves flowers and always uses a rose to represent herself, her face remaining unknown.


This is her project: to spread awareness to the best of her abilities on such a broad topic, with many concepts: languages. She wants to show others that it's not hard to learn another language, let alone speak their first language perfectly, help others who are struggling with these problems financially, and/or socially. She created this foundation, wanting to enlighten those who struggle and give them ways to stay motivated.

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