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Setting Goals

Making goals for yourself doesn't have to be big; they can be small if you wanted them to. But keep in mind they have to be doable- meaning you're able to do it in the certain amount of time you give yourself. Doing some research, I found some credible sources that are able to help you set goals for yourself, and I applied that to learning/strengthening a language...


1. Analyze: Make sure you know what it is you're doing- in this case, knowing what language you want to study, and know where you want to start (you can always use YouTube to help give you a preview on what there is to come, and suggestions from others on where to start, but

learning the alphabet of the language should start first of all



2. Create: You can make as many goals as you want, and figure out how long it should take you to accomplish them, or how long you need to study for each one if it comes to learning the language. (If it has to do with finding someone to speak/practice/learning with or finding the right material, there will be a separate blog on how to achieve this goal instead.) Think about this question: are you able to achieve the goal in a certain amount of time given? (That is for if you did include a time.)


3. Write: Make sure you write them down in case you forget them, and also to make sure the goals stick with you until you achieve them.


4. Plan: Figure out the appropriate amount of time you're giving yourself, and start to think about what you're going to do to make this all happen (for example, your goal is to learn some vocabulary; use flashcards to help you remember each word). 


5: Take Action: Start working towards your goal! You could also talk to someone who is able to help you or give you motivation!



These are just some of the things you can do to create goals and I'm sure there's more than just this! However, if you want more information on how to make goals in general, please check out Action for Happiness's article (credits to them)! Achieve your goals and achieve happiness!

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