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Learning a Language: The Benefits & Issues

You're probably wondering why this would be in the "problems" category rather than it being its own. Actually, the benefits and issues of learning a language go hand in hand, and so these two should be mentioned at the same time.


There are many benefits and issues when learning a language. It's not something that can easily be learned, and takes a lot of time, patience, motivation, dedication, and the yearning to learn. If learning a language is really desired, then there should be no problem accomplishing it!

The Issues


This article explains the struggles of learning a language. But not all of it will apply to everyone. But I'm going to just briefly explain the common and main problems and elaborate a little.


Studying: studying can most certainly be a pain, because we have to find time in our schedules (busy or not) to study, and if you really want to get anywhere, you need to study often and as much as possible. You just need to remind yourself what you need to do, and if you read here, you should be able to know what you want and need to do, as well as manage your goals. But it can still be rough, but just do your best (meaning actually try) and get things done!


Speaking: to be honest, speaking and listening is a lot harder than writing and reading. When you need to practice learning your language by speaking, who is going to listen to you? Unless, you know someone who knows/is learning the same language as you, too. In that case, it can be hard because you're just afraid you're going to mess up or say something you shouldn't have on accident or look stupid or forget words and have long pauses. But really, you just need to keep practicing, and it'll be obvious to the listener that you're still learning the language, so they should be able to understand that you're still learning (even though you can tell yourself they're going to judge you to themselves). If you don't try and take risks, you won't get anywhere, and learning the language will be even more difficult.


Motivation: there is a separate page for motivation, because this is a much bigger problem compared to other issues. So you should definitely check it out if you haven't yet!


Learning more than one language: learning more than one language is much more difficult, because you either have to double the amount of time you should spend when learning just one language, or set up a schedule for when and what language you're going to study for the day/at that time. But it's best to set your priorities straight - unless learning the languages are you priority. Not to mention the fact of mixing up your words on accident from one language to another. That can get pretty messy...  Just know that there is a big possibility that there will be much more of a struggle with learning more than one language. Know what you're up against.

The Benefits


There may be many issues with learning a language, but there are also benefits, and language learners really need to pay attention and realize more that there are also many good sides to this. This blog lists out the great things about learning a language, and why. (I also used this article to help better explain this, so credits to them! Also check the blog out for more information!)


Meeting new people: meeting new people can sound terrifying, but it is more enlightening, and you can learn your language easier if you talk to a native or someone who knows the language you're speaking! Plus, you get to see, discover, and learn more of the world!


Essential: being bilingual is starting to be needed more as time passes on. For example, many high schools offer language classes, because learning a language is needed in order to graduate. Learning a language from school also can give you more time, if you're having a problem with finding time on your own to study because it's school work! School work comes first~


Traveling: it's obvious if you're able to speak more than one language you'll be able to communicate with even more people, and can find your way around places from where you live or where you're traveling, so you won't have to suffer with having that language barrier being in the way.


 Memory & creativity: learning new words and finding ways to make sentences makes your memory much better and makes you more creative. You have to memorize so much while studying and that will help you out with other things aside from languages.

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